Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The new technique can save Intel or not

Microsoft Consumer sycophantic Apple market share is swallowed, suddenly, Intel ARM smartphones and tablet computer market competition are everywhere. The ARM is mobile and tablet PC processor market development of the Kings, Intel on the x86 processor, the Atom chip design to move bullying, but their success is on the Internet is limited in this market have in the Smartphone and Tablet PC areas that did not reuse.

The PC business is the cornerstone for is double the norm for Microsoft Windows and Intel-processor, this is still a massive important market. But this piece of the market's growth is not sufficient, the students behind mobile computing market.

Apple has already won the ARM architecture license change, the basic design of the ARM processor. It is the ARM architecture license for its iPhone and iPad development chip. The Tegra processor for weida used for architectural license, Qualcomm is the same.

The site SemiAccurate CharlieDemerjian says Apple will refuse to laptops in its products with Intel chips. Now, using Apple laptop computer is still kurui Series Intel chip, but the new product will be launched from the new ARM chip. But Demerjian says, say reliable sources, Apple will use their laptop in ARM chip products that will surely cause Intel will be a heavy blow.

IPad is not in the present market success unparalleled competitive advantage, but we think that the fundamentals of the mobile market is shallow, the market should also experience in the development of mature before a major incident.

Intel vice president and technology architecture group's spokesman said the company steve smith last week plans for the future. He admitted iPad tablet PC is still the market leader, but iPad products are mainly for individual users, not enterprise users. He said Intel is not necessary in business with Apple, the company can compete with length of service industry, founded in retail and commercial market to position itself as the market.

Smith says Intel not only experienced in these industries, and place very much. It's traditional customers, PC hardware OEMs in the mobile market as a hot new market areas. But Intel also with the customers in the telecommunications industry consulting further cooperation.

Smith claims that, even now, is the ARM in the mobile market is not much advantage of field advantage is the previous generation of silicon-product help. Smith said that ARM processor does not have now moved as the threat of bullying. He promised that Intel is still before the end of the year to market a mobile telephone with the operator of the authentication Android.

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